Download Eli (2019) {English with Subtitles} 480p [350MB] 720p [650MB] 1080p [1.4GB]

Download Eli Movie (2019) {English with Subtitles} 480p [350MB] 720p [650MB] 1080p [1.4GB]. This Netflix Horror movie is dubbed in Hindi and available at 480p 720p 1080p. This movie is based on Drama, Horror, Mystery. The Movie is now dubbed in Hindi and available in Dual Audio. It is one of the Latest Horror Based Movie to watch. It is the latest quality available to download on Moviesnation. Download now Eli (2019) Movie in Hindi subbed on

[imdb style=”dark”]tt5294518[/imdb]

Movie Info: 

  • Full Name: ELI
  • Language: English with subtitles
  • Release Year: 2019
  • Size: 350MB & 650MB 1.4GB
  • Quality: 480p & 720p 1080p Bluray
  • Format: Mkv

Download Eli (2019) {English with Subtitles} 480p [350MB] 720p [650MB] 1080p [1.6GB] ~


Eli may be a young boy stricken by a rare sickness that causes severe hypersensitive reactions to the outside, forcing him to measure his life in protecting gear. His oldsters, Rose and Paul, have taken him to Dr. Isabella Horn’s secluded medical facility, in a large, recent house that has been progressive and hermetically segregated. Eli is ab initio joyful that the power permits him to get rid of his “bubble suit”, embrace his oldsters, and revel in comforts antecedently denied to him.

His joy is transient, however, as he begins to expertise supernatural phenomena in numerous components of the house. He conjointly begins his agonizingly painful treatments. because the supernatural encounters increase, the specters repeatedly leave him the message lie, and Eli wonders if the spirits try to warn him concerning Horn’s treatments.

Eli befriends Haley, a fille with whom he speaks through an outsized window within the house’s lower level. She is that the solely one that believes his claims that the home is haunted, as Horn has told his oldsters Eli’s visions ar hallucinations caused by the treatments. Haley conjointly tells him none of the opposite patient’s Horn treated left the power, implying that they died. With Haley’s facilitate, Eli, manages to get the word “lie” is really the inverted range 317, the passcode to Horn’s workplace.

once he investigates the workplace, Eli finds Horn’s records of past patients, showing that each one of them was killed by the third, final treatment.


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