Download Hunter X Hunter: Phantom Rouge 1 (2013) {English with subtitles} 480p [350MB] 720p [500MB]

Download Hunter X Hunter: Phantom Rouge 1 (2013) {English with subtitles} 480p [350MB] 720p [500MB]. This Anime Movie is not dubbed in Hindi and available in 480p 720p 1080p. This Movie is based on Animation, Action, Adventure. It is available in Dual Audio to download. Download Now Hunter X Hunter: Phantom Rouge 1 (2013) in Hindi dubbed on

[imdb style=”dark”]tt2918988[/imdb]

Anime Movie Info: 

  • Full Name: Hunter X Hunter: Phantom Rouge
  • Language: English-Japanese
  • Release Year: 2013
  • Size: 350MB & 500MB
  • Quality: 480p & 720p 1080p Bluray
  • Format: Mkv

Download Hunter X Hunter: Phantom Rouge (2013) {English with subtitles} 480p [350MB] 720p [500MB] 1080p ~


Kurapika became a Hunter to take vengeance on the Class-A crime group Phantom Troupe who massacred his clan for their unique eyes. The eyes of the Kurta clan turn scarlet in times of anger or emotional agitation and are considered the most beautiful treasures in the world. Kurapika continues to pursue the Phantom Troupe but an unknown party has stolen his “scarlet eyes”.

However, the Phantom Troupe shows up before them and blocks their way. The true identity of the one with the No.4 spider tattoo is about to be unveiled.

The movie is really a split bag. It’s made by a different studio to a mostly successful degree. The action is much tighter and fluid and most characters retain their looks with almost no clear failure. The one character they do fail to represent is wildcard Hisoka. Instead of the fun sexually creppy hisoka from the series. We now get a more serious and way too much tongue Hisoka.

While it has the characters and dynamics or earlier arcs in the series with the phantom troupe being involved and having the classic foursome with Leorio and Kurapika. The tone and pace are entirely derived from the latter arcs with less of a focus on action and fighting minutia and more of a focus on drama and characters dynamics. So expect to think about deep themes and cry is what i’m saying.


Download Hunter X Hunter: Phantom Rouge 1 (2013) {English with subtitles} 480p [350MB]

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Downlo4d Hunter X Hunter: Phantom Rouge 1 (2013) {English with subtitles} 720p [500MB]

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