Download Spartacus: Blood and Sand (Season 1-3) English with Subtitles {All Episode} 480p 720p [350MB]. This Series is not dubbed in Hindi and is available in 480p 720p. This Series is based on Adventure, Action, Biography. The whole series is not available in Hindi Dubbed. This is one of the best series to watch from now on based on Action. Spartacus: Blood and Sand Season 5 not coming. Download now Spartacus: Blood and Sand Season 1 2 3 All Episodes
[imdb style=”dark”]tt1442449[/imdb]
Series Info:
- Full Name: Spartacus: Blood and Sand (Season 1-3)
- Season: 1
- Language: English with Subtitles
- Subtitles: Yes
- Release Year: 2021~
- Size: 300MB (Each Episode)
- Quality: 480p 720p Bluray
- Genres: Adventure, Action, History, Biography
Download Spartacus: Blood and Sand (Season 1-3) All Episodes English with Subtitles 480p 720p ~
A Thracian fighter is caught and subjugated by Romans, then, at that point put in warrior school, where he fights to save his life, acquire his opportunity and become rejoined with his significant other, who was additionally sentenced to subjection.
The motivation behind this series is the Thracian Gladiator Spartacus, who drove a slave uprising against the Roman Republic. The Thracians had been convinced by Claudius Glaber to fill in as helpers in the Roman armies in a mission against the Getae, who had frequently looted Thracian terrains. Anyway, after Glaber reneges on the arrangement and changes his considerations from the Getae to assault Mithridates in Asia Minor, the Thracians feel double-crossed and uprising. Caught by Glaber, Spartacus is sentenced to death as a Gladiator, while his significant other Sura is sentenced to servitude. Spartacus, notwithstanding, ends up being an impressive combatant, and losses the four fighters entrusted with executing him. He turns into a top choice of the group, driving Senator Albinius to drive his capital punishment to existence of subjugation. Spartacus is bought by Batiatus for combatant preparing, who vows to help him discover Sura on the off chance that he substantiates himself in preparing. As the series creates, the story follows the treacheries and maneuvers of Roman life and a story of exclusive’s chivalrous journey for retaliation.

Download Spartacus: Blood and Sand (Season 1) English with Subtitles {All Episode} 720p [350MB-400MB]
Download Spartacus: Blood and Sand (Season 2) English with Subtitles {All Episode} 720p [350MB-400MB]
Download Spartacus: Blood and Sand (Season 3) English with Subtitles {All Episode} 720p [350MB-400MB]
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